Quick Vibrating Grizzly Feeder Maintenance Plan

How to keep your Feeder working at optimum level

  • If the body or frame of the feeder is knocked against the hopper or other piece of machinery it can crack the plates and cause serious damage, so there needs to be at least three inches clearance at the sides, front, back, top and six inches below. The grizzly feeder and the crusher feeder should be checked when they are shut down to check for impact. Faults that are picked up quickly are much easier to remedy.
  • Feeders have pans liners to shield the pans of the feeder. Feeder pans are lined with steel that is abrasion resistant and welded into place. You should inspect the liners every month and replace those that are showing signs of wearing thin. If the application is extremely abrasive then you should use special rubber liners and rubber-capped grizzly bars. These liners are heavier than the steel ones to cope with the live weight and they should be in place at the time the feeder is bought. Also, it is best to leave a little residue on the pans in between shifts while the feeder is operating because the residual stones take the impact from the pan.
  • After every shift you should inspect the grizzly bars in case a piece of rock or stone gets caught between them. When the bar caps become worn they should be repaired or replaced. You should avoid breaking stone on the grizzly bar as this can damage the bars and supports.
  • You should inspect the grizzly feeder springs every week and remove stones and any dust that has built up. These can weaken the spring and lead to breakage.
  • The vibrating grizzly feeders usually have a variable drive speed to handle wide variance in the feed and improve production, and it should not exceed the maximum rated speed, which is determined by the G force. The G force is a function of speed and stroke. If a feeder is run at too high a speed for elongated period of time, structural damage may occur.

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