Improving Energy Efficiency of Motors

There are plenty of ways to improve energy efficiency that most companies overlook. Most people are not aware that motor driven systems that run on electricity take up at least half of United States electricity. It is very important for companies to have an energy management plan so that they can help reduce their usage of energy and keep their energy costs as low as possible. When a good plan is implemented, a company can actually increase their profits while lowering their utility bills.

Maintenance of Electric motors

You can conserve a great deal of energy with a properly maintained motor. When you initially purchase the motor, it is said that the price you pay for it is only 2% of how much it will cost for the life of the motor. The other 98% comes from the power that it uses when it is in use. It is really important to do what you can to conserve the amount of energy the motor uses so that you will lower your over all expenses for the power used.

How to prolong the life of the motor

In order to get the most out of the motor and make it last as long as possible it is important to take proper care of the motor and do preventative maintenance regularly. This would include doing such things as

  • Make sure the motor is properly lubricated and has proper ventilation.
  • Ensure it is kept clean of debris and dirt as well as other things that can contaminate the motor and affect its performance.
  • Check the vibration of the motor to make sure it is not much since it can lead to wear and tear in the Motor.
  • Check for proper alignment of Motor and Load.
  • Make sure that all of the belts are in good shape, properly tensioned and working as they should be.
  • Check the sheaves for wearing.
  • Check if all of the hold-down bolts are tighten as necessary.

Additional tools for efficiency

Sheave alignment plays an important role, whether one is installing new belt drives or maintaining existing ones. Alignment tools are available to assist the user with correctly positioning sheaves, as misalignment can cause excessive wear on sheaves, resulting in a 12-percent loss in V-belt drive efficiency and up to a 50-percent reduction in belt life. Improper tensioning also leads to inefficient power transmission. There are a variety of reasonably priced tools available in the market that help ensure proper belt tensioning. For example, there’s one spring loaded tool called Tensionmeter which is pressed against span of the belt to a certain extend and the corresponding reading is checked to see if it lies within the belt tension range stipulated for those working conditions. This is for a relatively cheaper Manual Variant. There’s another more expensive digital variant which give the tension reading directly.

Eroded sheave sidewalls can cause up to 12-percent loss in V-belt drive efficiency. Rough and worn sidewalls can reduce belt life by up to 50 percent. There are sheave gauges available to help assess sheave condition and make decisions about maintenance.

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